Askew Road Arts Festival 2024

September 18th – 25th 2024

7000 Arts Festival programmes have been printed and delivered to residents on & around the Askew Road. They are also available at all Arts Festival Venues & businesses along Askew Road for free.

Follow our Instagram @askewroad_w12 for latest updates in the build up to the festival

A week of art and fun, in a multitude of places…

Venues Map

Schedule Overview

Please scroll down to find event and ticket details

And scroll all the way down, to see a detailed explanation about how the Askew Road Arts Festival came into being and how we hope it positively impacts our Creative Corner of West London.

“A Postcard from Askew Road”

for a Silent Auction

Specially invited artists from the local area will respond in their own way to the notion of ‘A Postcard from Askew Road’.

These A3 sized postcards will be on display throughout the Festival, and you can bid on the art, throughout the festival online. The profits of the Silent Auction will be donated to The Upper Room Charity.

We invite you to visit Arthur’s Coffee House throughout the week and enjoy a coffee whilst admiring the art work on display.

The Finale of the Festival will also take part at Arthur’s on Wednesday 25th September from 6pm-9pm - Bids will close at 8pm and any of the highest bidders will be invited to take their new piece of Art home with them.

Venue No. 3: Arthur’s Coffee House

18th - 25th September, in their regular opening hours

Festival Finale : Wednesday 25th September 6pm-9pm

Key organisers: Kate Fishenden, Jonathan Mercer, Cleo Coleman & Philippa Smith

Bouncing Off The Wall Graphics Arts Fair

Bouncing Off the Wall! is a congenial arts fair that brings together some of the finest artists, prints, printmakers and books inspired by twentieth century design in the Goldfinger designed school hall. The fair is inspired by the marvellous Gordon Cullen mural in the foyer of Greenside School, that earns the star on its Grade II* listing. The building was designed by eminent modernist architect Erno Goldfinger who commissioned Cullen to design and paint the mural in 1952.

Outstanding examples of C20th art, design and prints

  • Exciting contemporary work inspired by mid-century design

  • Illustrators, artists, publishers, printers, authors and designers

  • Vintage tea room

  • Free entry

  • Part of Open House London Festival

Venue No. 8: Greenside Primary School

Sunday 22nd September, 12.00 - 5.00pm

This event is free to enter

Key Organiser: Kate Fishenden

Molly Arbuthnott’s Wild Goose Chase

Hugely successful children’s author Molly Arbuthnott (Oscar The Ferry Cat, George and the Steam Museum, Conrad the Spider and many more) has written a book about a goose on Askew Road that will be free to all children who take part in The Wild Goose Chase - a scavenger hunt up and down Askew Road. The chase will begin and end at the Festival Village on Gaggle Goose Green (renamed from Starch Green for the event!) where there will be all manner of activities…

Venue No. 1: Gaggle Goose Green (Starch Green on the corner of Askew & Goldhawk Road) and the participating shops on Askew Road

Saturday 21st September

11.00am - 3.00pm

This event is FREE to enter

Molly Arbuthnott, author of Jennifer the Goose

Key organisers: Tessa Brown & Sophy Brown

Sponsored by

Askew Gallery: ‘Our Askew Road’

Clare McAuley - Harriet Challis

An exhibition of paintings, photographs and film, with Victor McAuley, Susie Rowell & Sophie Robinson

Clare McAuley’s ‘OrdinaryPeople : Extraordinary Stories’

Local artist and portraitist Clare McAuly has captured the essence of Askew Road’s character and characters in her lively, painterly style. A 30ft long textile piece will adorn an entire wall of the new Askew Gallery responding to the street life on our unique high street. Clare will also be showing some of her smaller pieces of local people and places.

Claire has been personally sponsored by

Harriet Challis’ ‘Then & Now’

Local photographer Harriet Challis has researched the archives to find historic images of the Askew Road neighbourhood, and then taken a new photograph of the same view today - a fascinating journey through time. Harriet’s story is interesting as photography is especially important to her as a memory tool, as she has aphantasia - which means she can’t picture things in her mind

Venue No. 4: Askew Gallery

19th - 25th September, 12.00-5.00pm

Private View & Festival Launch:

Wednesday 18th September, 5.30pm - 8.30pm

This event is FREE to enter

Artists: Clare McAuley & Harriet Challis

Organisers: Matt Hedges

Askew Gallery proudly sponsored by

WLAC Lightning Talks

Located at Kite Studios, WLAC (West London Action for Children) host an entertaining evening of Lightning Talks: 5 people give short, illustrated talks about their passions, timed by the MC.

This edition includes talking themes of Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the history of Askew Road and William Morris…

Drinks and nibbles included!

Venue No. 9: Kite Studios, 2b Bassein Park Road, W12 9RY

Wednesday 18th September, 7.00pm-9.00pm

This is a ticketed event (suggested donation for tickets £15)

Key organisers: Meg Kaufman & Auriol Herford

Kite Studios Celebrating Neurodiversity

“INSIDE OUT” Exhibition

Kite Studios are mounting an exhibition of work by neurodiverse artists celebrating not only the great work these artists are producing, but raising awareness around neurodiversity.

Artists include: Orlando Richardson, Oliver Herford, Kallum Vidal, Kasper Hall, Sally Grumbridge, Clara Glyn, Auriol Herford, Sara Elhaj, Louise Richards, Poppy Smith

Venue No. 9: Kite Studios, 2b Bassien Park Road, W12 9RY

Thursday 19th September, 6.30pm - 8.30pm

This is a FREE event

Key organisers: Auriol Herford

Kite Studios Kids Workshops

This kids workshop is a sister event to Kites Neurodiverse Exhibition, where kids get an introduction to creative workshops available at Kite Studios. The Eco-Necklace workshop aims to introduce kids and their parents to the amazing ways art can help everyone to express themselves creatively.

All visitors can just drop-in and sample what’s on offer anytime whilst it’s open.

Venue No. 9: Kite Studios, 2b Bassien Park Road, W12 9RY

Friday 20th September, 3.30pm - 4.30pm

This is a FREE event

Key organisers: Auriol Herford

Abi Lawrence’s Askew Beaker

Noted local potter Abi Lawrence has created THE Askew Beaker from clay sourced locally (brick fields surrounded the Starch Green area in the 19th century, and houses built around Askew Road were probably made from bricks made within a few hundred yards!)

Abi has crafted a limited edition, Askew branded, beautiful beaker which you can purchase with your coffee at Detour Cafe.

There will also be a display of Abi’s work, along with more information about the brickfields of Starch Green.

The Askew Beaker available while stocks last.

Come along to Detour Cafe for the first event of the Festival on the morning of Wednesday 18th September, where Abi will presenting her design & make process.

There will also be members of the Askew Road Arts Festival Team attending to talk through the other events happening throughout the week.

Venue No. 6: Detour Cafe, 135 Askew Road, W12 9AU

Wednesday 18th September, 10.00am-12.00 noon - Coffee Morning

Saturday 21st September, 3.00pm - 5.00pm - Kids clay workshop, fun modelling drop-in session

Both events are FREE to attend, Detour will be selling the Askew Beaker & Abi will be taking donations during the clay workshop drop in session.

Carol Greenaway’s Askew Bowl

Renowned ceramicist teacher and long term resident, Carol Greenaway is making a special festival bowl to be used at a celebration Askew Festival dinner at Burnt Restaurant.

The main course served in your own special limited edition bowl with a stamp on the side - and then take it home with you (we will wash it first!)

Venue No. 5: Burnt Restaurant, 163 Askew Road W12 9AU

Thursday 19th September from 7.30pm. SOLD OUT

Friday 20th September from 7.30pm, some seats still available

Tessa Brown’s Laundry Lines

Talented local artist Tessa Brown is recreating the evocative sight of the historic laundries of Askew Road (the area was often know as the laundry of London).

This installation will be sited on Askew Road, and specially created garments with graphics will last the length of the Festival.

It is usually assumed that Starch Green is a reference to the historic laundries - often residents taking in washing and hanging it out in their gardens - in 1900 there were 62 laundries listed in and around Becklow Road alone!).

Find Tessa’s Street Art Installation ON Askew Road

From 18th - 25th September

Sponsored by

Key organisers: Tessa Brown & Kate Fishenden

Linda Bloomfield’s Ghost Tiles

Linda is an internationally recognised ceramicist and glaze expert who also happens to live locally.

Linda has created a series of ‘aged’ tiles, using the theme of bricks, rabbits, orchards and laundries, and then installed them (think Banksy) in unloved nooks and crannies along Askew Road - creating the effect of archaeological remnants of history past.

We encourage you to look high & low for the tiles as you walk along Askew Road - if you find us be sure to tag us in a photograph @askewroad_w12 and use our festival hashtags #askewroadartsfestival & #askewroadghostiles

Key organisers: Linda Bloomfield Email // Website, Kate Fishenden & Jonathan Mercer

Various spots along Askew Road

We hope the tiles will stay in place long after the Arts Festival ends, as part of the legacy and to begin a new part of the history of Askew Road.

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Forevermore’s Askew Road Tattoos

Jo Szwedzinski, her partner Diogo “Xico” Melo and their team at Forevermore Tattoo London have created special Askew Road temporary tattoos to celebrate the Arts Festival and specifically Askew Road.

There are 10 designs, that Jo will be applying on Gaggle Goose Green for a small donation, or you can buy a full sheet of for £10.

They are GORGEOUS & are going to be very popular - so make sure you get yours whilst stocks are available…

Venue No. 1: Gaggle Goose Green (you may well know it as Starch Green)

Saturday 21st September, 11am-3pm

FREE Event to Attend, donations for each tattoo application

Key organisers: Jo Szwedzinski & Jonathan Mercer

Peckings Askew Road Playlist

No event on Askew Road worth its salt is complete without the involvement of Peckings - the kings of Reggae.

Chris Price (son of George - Mr Peckings) has created an especially evocative playlist for Askew Road - charting the reggae most important to his Dad George, his brothers - and Askew Road!

Support Peckings & their Artists on Bandcamp

Follow Peckings on Instagram

We hope to hear this played on everyone’s headphones & speakers for the week of the festival…

Hywel Pratley: Neighbourhood

Hywel Pratley, internationally recognised artist (think Queen Elizabeth with Corgis!) has created a dramatic installation piece, ‘Neighbourhood’

Neighbourhood: An area where people live and interact with one another.

It is a sculptural group in Jesmonite resin, especially installed for the Askew Road Arts Festival.

Ravenscourt Park Sculptor Hywel Pratley, resident in Askew Road for a quarter of a century, has work in collections worldwide. Fundamentally a sculptor of human portraits and figures, he builds in clay and casts in bronze - offering a contemporary take on the traditions of life study.

Hywel divides his working life between London, Leicestershire, and Florence.

Key Organisers: Hywel Pratley Email // Website // Instagram & Jonathan Mercer

Find Hywel’s Installation on the corner of Gayford Road & Askew Road…look UP and you’ll find it!

18th - 25th September

Sponsored by

Photojournalism Hub

Cinzia D’Ambrosi, founder & Director of the Photojournalism Hub and her team have worked with their students to help record the artists as they prepare their artistic responses.

Our objective is to create a photobook of the event, capturing the texture of artistic endeavour, which will act as a record of the event, whilst giving students vital experience of engaging with artists as they go about their work.

Cinzia & some of the students will be on Gaggle Goose Green, ready to meet you and introduce you to the work the Photojournalism Hub does.

Venue No. 1: Gaggle Goose Green

Saturday 21st September, 11am-3pm

Sponsored by

Secret Cultural Salon at Tangled Hedgerow

As part of the festival Liz Bolton, the lovely owner of Tangled Hedgerow on Seven Stars Corner, is hosting two cultural soirées in her secret oasis of calm. The first welcomes two local cultural architects in conversation - the second a chance to enjoy a musical recital by students at the Royal College of Music.

Nathan Bryon in conversation with Janet Ellis

Co-writer of hit indy-film Rye Lane, writer of TV’s Bad Education, and star of Ghosts and Benidorm and children’s author, Nathan is a rising star and grew up off Askew Road and alumni of John Betts School. He will be in conversation with Janet Ellis talking about writing for the screen.

Venue No.12: Tangled Hedgerow, 248 Goldhawk Road, W12 9PE

Monday 23rd September, 7pm arrival for 7.30pm start, (please arrive promptly so as not to disturb the conversation)

Tickets are £15

Key organisers: Kate Fishenden

Venue No. 12: Tangled Hedgerow 248 Goldhawk Road W12 9PE

Friday 20rd September,

Arrival from 6.30pm, Performances from 7pm- 9pm (please arrive promptly so as not to disturb musicians)

Free Entry to the Musical Soirée - RSVP HERE or register in the shop

Key organisers: Kate Fishenden

A beautiful musical performance in the cosy bohemian basement of Liz’s happy place. Being right next to Prince Consort Village, accommodation for Royal College of Music students, she welcomes student musicians to have an opportunity to showcase their pieces to an audience of local people, with drinks and nibbles, of course!

Prelude Musical Soirée

Fanny Eaton: Jamaican Pre-Raphaelite Model, Presentation & Talk

Angela Bolger, author of the play ‘Out of the Picture - the Fanny Eaton Story’ reveals how Fanny appeared in Victorian paintings, in the last home she lived - Bassein Park Road - now where you can find Kite Studios.

Venue No. 9: Kite Studios, 2b Bassein Park Road, W12 9RY

Tuesday 24th September, 7pm for 7.30pm start - 9pm

Tickets are £15

Key Organisers: Kate Fishenden & Auriol Herford

Apperley Arts - Local artists and Musical Evening

Etain Gibson, proprietor of Apperley Arts, welcomes you to her little gallery just off the Askew Road with an exhibition of local artists especially curated for the Askew Road Arts Festival.

The gallery will be open daily for the duration of the festival, 10am - 6pm.

Key Organisers: Etain Gibson, Follow on Instagram @apperley_arts

Venue No. 2: Apperley Arts, 1a Cobbold Road, W12 9LA

Gallery open 10.00am - 6.00pm throughout festival

Thursday 19th September 6.30pm-9.00pm Musical Soirée


Japanese Tea Ceremony

The Glasshouses in Ravenscourt Park make a perfect venue for this zen-like experience. There will be an informal tea ceremony, delicious traditional bakery goods, Japanese textiles and furoshiki - textile wrapping.

The Japanese tea ceremony is preparing, serving, and drinking tea in a ritualistic and ceremonial way where it is used to promote wellbeing, mindfulness, and harmony. The tea itself is a powdered green tea called matcha.

Venue No.11: Ravenscourt Park, Glasshouses, W6 OUL

Saturday 21st September. 4.00pm-6.00pm

FREE EVENT to attend


Clearspring, is a family business based in Acton, committed to pioneering authentic Japanese specialities and organic fine foods. Kae, of Clearspring and a local resident, will be performing a simplified version of the Matcha tea ceremony and offering tea tasting.

Happy Sky Bakery - Award winning baker Motoko McNulty brings  together the finest ingredients and uses traditional hand-crafting to develop the true flavours of her breads.

Tamakurya is a forward thinking business partnership that fuses Japanese traditions, practices and creativity with vintage kimono fabric.

War & Renewal - A guided Walk with Joanna Oyediran

This walk explores the impact of two world wars on Askew Road area. As well as marking the lives lost and property destroyed by war, we’ll hear the stories behind the creation of new community assets after 1945. You’ll see Greenside School, designed by the architect Ernö Goldfinger; Cathnor Park, carved out of a bomb crater; and St. Andrew Bobola, a Polish Roman Catholic set up after World War II.

Sunday 22nd September 10.45am-12pm

Start Point: 128 Askew Road W12 9BL (the corner of Bassien Park Road & Askew Road)

End Point: Greenside School, Westville Road W12 9PT

Ticketed Event (suggested donation £15)

Brush Calligraphy & Bottomless Lunch 

Join Laura Edralin for a calming creative experience: a one and a half hour brush pen calligraphy workshop followed by a delicious lunch, with bottomless Prosecco, or house mocktails.

A Creative Autumn Workshop...

Calm your mind, and recharge together with friends as you explore this relaxing art form. Local calligraphy artist Laura, will be guiding you through the essentials to modern brush pen calligraphy. You'll receive all the pens, worksheets and materials for the session, finishing with your own calligraphed item to take home.

Your Bottomless Lunch Awaits...

Once your creative juices get flowing, you'll choose from a delicious lunch menu, including The Oak's famous wood fired oven pizzas, and enjoy endless sparkles for a serious Saturday treat. You'll be learning creative penmanship followed by bottomless glasses of your bubbles, or non-alcoholic house mocktails...the ideal Saturday experience.

Venue No. 13: The Oak W12, 243 Goldhawk Road, W12 8EU

Saturday 21st September, 11am - 2pm

Ticketed Event (£65pp or £60pp for mocktail-ers)

Ticket includes all the materials for the workshop plus a choice of meal from The Oak’s Bottomless Lunch menu.

Key Organiser: Laura Edralin

Mandala Art  Workshop

In this engaging Mandala Art Workshop, you will explore the intricate art of creating beautiful mandalas. Learn how to bring depth and dimension to your mandala designs, resulting in a stunning piece of artwork that you can proudly display at home.

Ekta from StoryBeyondLines will guide you through the process step by step, creating a comfortable and encouraging atmosphere for all participants.

During the workshop, you will work with a variety of patterns to create your mandala, allowing you to express your creativity in a unique way. This hands-on activity is not only fun and relaxing but also has a transformative quality, providing a sense of calm and accomplishment as you see your creation come to life.

Immerse yourself in this creative experience and take home your own stunning Mandala art work.

All materials will be provided.

Venue No. 4: Askew Gallery, 159 Askew Road, W12 9AU

Tuesday 24th September, two sessions:

5.30pm - 6.15pm // 6.15pm - 7pm

Ticketed Event

Learn about the WHY behind the festival

Creating Cultural Connections

A celebration of our neighbourhood's unconventional history through the imagination of artists.

Making visible the amazing people, artists, and artisans in our neighbourhood - where they’ve come from, what they do, their heritage, their passions, their crafts and most of all their community spirit - developed over centuries of friendship, welcoming, tolerance and creativity.

Where once there were rabbits, bricks, orchards and laundries now there will be artists, galleries, installations, workshops, cafes and independent shops.

The Arts Festival is an initiative of Askew Road Business Association. Pop the date in your diary and look out for the printed Programme of Events popping through your letterbox.

The first Askew Road Arts Festival is being created to run this September - 18th - 25th

It will be a cultural festival comprised of many events that cohere together to represent and celebrate the richness of art and cultural life around the Askew Road neighbourhood - like Venice Biennale but around Askew Road and with a community spirit.

A democratic and accessible approach to the arts, the benefits include greater footfall for Askew Road businesses, encouraging regeneration, creating a community feel, access to cultural events for the local community and creating opportunities for local artists and creatives.

Contributing artists have been asked to respond to the neighbourhood - their experience of Askew Road; inspiration from our history including lost rivers, geese (on Gaggle Goose Green), rabbits, laundries, market gardens, orchards and brickfields; their research into the cultural heritage of the area - artists such as Leon Underwood, Fanny Eaton, Roger Daltry; the different communities making this their home, the different shops and industries that have thrived here.


  • Celebrate our neighbourhood’s unconventional history through the imagination of artists

  • Involve as many people in the community as possible

  • Recognise the diversity of practice, people, culture and place around Askew Road - a place in West London with art and culture in its veins

  • Deepen the appreciation of our cultural heritage and history

  • Create opportunities for our community to take part in enjoyable events and engage with the businesses on the street

How does this benefit the Askew Road community?

  • Build an increased footfall in Askew Road - and help our independent businesses thrive

  • Gain publicity locally and across London to build appreciation of our locale

  • A festival map and catalogue to communicate what’s on and highlight the wealth of talent around here

  • Create a greater sense of community

  • Help build a safer neighbourhood

  • Benefit local charities: WLAC, HCGA, Sulgrave Club, Upper Room